The Association of EFT Professionals Code of Ethics

Among the many functions of the AEFTP is to provide a standard of ethical and moral behavior through which EFT practitioners can be easily recognized and clients can confidently place their trust behind. Establishing a successful EFT practice not only requires the capable application of the healing techniques of which it is comprised, it is also dependent upon the fundamental desire to provide healing, relief, and growth opportunities to clients. All AEFTP Members are required to sign a consent to abide by this established code of ethics.

  1. Be Caring. All AEFTP members agree to conduct themselves in a professional manner with the greatest level of care and purpose. The physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual welfare of your client is paramount.
  2. Be Objective. By remaining the Objective All-loving Observer, you provide a safe, non-judgemental, and unbiased environment for your client to freely express themselves regardless of race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, cultural beliefs, or disability.
  3. Act With Integrity. Be open and honest. Be forthcoming with your session costs, fees, and cancellation policies. Adequately convey the methodologies and procedures for conducting EFT with your clients. Don’t overpromise. Allow your client the opportunity to direct, stop, or otherwise leave the session without any pressure or repercussions.
  4. Maintain Confidentiality. All AEFTP members are tasked with upholding and respecting the privacy of their clients. Personal information or session content should only be shared with the direct consent of the client. Honor all contracts, guarantees, agreements, and consents – both written and verbal – made with your client. Only record EFT sessions with client consent.
  5. Be Knowledgeable. Earning an AEFTP certification carries the seal of approval that you are competent in your trade and can effectively administer the proper techniques. Know your limits and the scope of your practice. Refer or defer clients beyond your skillset to more qualified AEFTP members or medical professionals, especially in life-threatening situations.
  6. Be Lawfully Compliant. Understand and abide by federal, state, provincial, and local laws, especially those pertaining to owning and operating a holistic health practice. AEFTP cannot provide legal representation in case of a breach of the law. Unless officially licensed or authorized to do so, refrain from giving medical diagnoses or offering medical advice.
  7. Be Proud! Earning an AEFTP certification is a prestigious achievement! Display the AEFTP logo on your website with pride and conduct yourself in a confident & professionally affiliated manner with your clients. Uphold the reputation of being a Professional EFT Practitioner and an esteemed AEFTP member.

All potential breaches of this code of ethics by an AEFTP Member should be reported to for thorough investigation.