- Anxiety & Stress Relief
- Autoimmune Disorders
- Chronic Fatigue
- Conscious Creation
- Divorce / Breakup
- Emotional Distress
- Fears / Phobias
- Life Purpose
- Marriage / Relationships
- Migraines
Tapping Into a New Life is Renee’s Health Coaching practice. Renee’s specialty is helping those experiencing divorce to get through the emotional trauma associated with this difficult life event. She uses the amazing Emotional Freedom Technique to help her clients get off the emotional roller coaster and find balance, release the grudges that create toxic energy in the body, forgive – difficult, but the key path to FREEDOM, release all blame, guilt or feelings of failure that come with divorce, heal the intense emotional pain so they can breathe again. Renee gently guides her clients through the critical process of letting go of the past. Then the coaching kicks in! Renee will help you redesign your life after divorce.
Renee has been there and knows what it takes to survive and thrive after divorce. She loves to see the relief and the dramatic changes a person goes through when they release their pain and begin to feel hopeful and joyful about their future.